Current news

New group article in Physical Review Research!

Our group demonstrates that spin-triplet generation can occur not only in superconductor/ferromagnet thin film heterostructures, but also across a van der Waals interface formed between a superconducting and a helimagnetic flake.

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New group article in Nanoscale!

In this study led by us and in collaboration with other teams, we find that NiS2 nanoflakes exhibit giant magnetoresistance due to non-collinear magnetic spin textures forming on their surface.

New article from international collaboration!

Together with the groups of Professors Beena Kalisky, Oded Millo and Yossi Paltiel from Israel, we find edge states that are triggered by chiral molecules patterned onto a Nb thin film.

News and Views on chiral superconductivity in Nature!

In this News and Views article for Nature, we discuss an outstanding result reported by Nakajima et al. on a chiral superconductor and illustrate the potential of this material for spintronic and superconducting spintronics applications!

Kurti Science Prize for Europe

Prof. Di Bernardo gets awarded the prestigious Kurti Science Prize for Europe for low-temperature Physics. The prize is awarded by a committee of senior European academics and sponsored by Oxford Instruments.

New group article in Phys. Rev. Mater.

Our group has successfully led another international collaboration and published a new manuscript showing that chiral molecules (ChMs) can radically change the macroscopic Meissner state of a conventional (Nb) superconductor, once adsorbed onto its surface. The results published in Physical Review Materials pave the way for the realisation of superconducting devices, where the magnetic flux coupled through a S is changed locally via adsorbed ChMs.