Awarded EU FET-Open grant

FET Open Research grant on Gate Tuneable Superconducting Quantum Electronics (SuperGate) awarded by the European Union!

Awarded the FET-Open EU grant SuperGate (~ 3 million Euros) along with five other European institutions (CNR in Pisa and Salerno, TUDelft, Chalmers University, BME, SeeQC) to develop the next generation of superconducting computers based on a technology recently developed by the research group of our dear friend and collaborator Francesco Giazotto in Pisa.

The SuperGate programme will contribute to shed light onto a problem which is becoming increasingly important, meaning the development of novel technologies that can help reduce the increasing energy consumption of large data centres and computing facilities. Our research network will develop a technology that will enable our future computers to work at very high energy efficiency and to be operated, for the first time, similarly to conventional transistor-based semiconductor computers, which represents a major revolution in the fields of superconducting and quantum computing.

In addition to being the most competitive European grant (with a success rate of ~ 10%), this research grant also represents an important achievement both on a personal level (the grant proposal was designed and written mainly by Prof. Di Bernardo) and on the University level (the research network will be coordinated by the University of Konstanz under the leadership of Prof. Scheer).

We look forward to this next adventure and to more exciting physics out there to discover and to bring back as technological products useful for the community!

Click here for the SuperGate website.